
Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

People India first became Muslim Due Viewing Torn Month

Once we realize that there is something strange on the Moon, as has been described in previous articles. Then there is information that the Prophet Muhammad, in the Claims by the holy book the Koran, that he was responsible for the parting of the month in the past. Comes the one question, "Is this really happening?The most logical belief today is to believe what they see. As we know that the eyes are just tools to view, while the view itself is our brain. To see the atomic structure is not possible with the naked eye, we use a lot percobaaan and analysis for years, so in the end have a complete picture of the structure of an atom. It is a way to see something properly. How do I see that the moon once Torn, There is a way how to prove it one month've split in the past.The easiest way is to examine the history, which tells other people who witnessed this event in other parts of the world. Months of it must also be seen with the naked eye the people in the other hemisphere. It's hard to find history where it happened in the early days of history, as we know that all of the BC, the world at that time classified as ancient. Tragedy parting of the month, occurred about 500 years after AD. But do not worry, it turns out the manuscript of this is real there, a king in India witnessed a split in his sight, and write it in manuskrip.bulan-splitAnother possibility hemisphere can see the moon split becoming two
bulan-terbelahEvents related to the King of Malabar Charawati Farmas documented in an old manuscript in the India Office Library, Reference number: Arabic, 2807, 152-173. M. Hamidullah writes in his book "Muhammad Rasulullah"."There is a very old tradition in Malabar, precisely in the South - West Coast of India, Chakrawati Farmas, one of their kings, had witnessed the moon (moon) is split into two parts, the events he witnessed was a miracle experienced by the Holy Prophet in Mecca, after learning that there is a prediction of the Messenger of God from the Arab countries, he sent his son as a representative, then he himself went to meet the envoy. King of Malabar embraced Islam in the presence of the Prophet, and the return trip back to their home country, he died at the Port of Zafar, Yemen country. Tomb of "King of India" is a historic cemetery and has been visited by many centuries until today "Old manuscripts in the India Office Library reveal other details about King Chakrawati Farmas trip.For what happens to their king, the people of Malabar became the first community in India who converted to Islam. Later on, they enhance trade relations with Arab countries, Arab countries ships pass through the coast of India also used the trip to China, long before the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad.What happened to the King of Malabar above, has been well predicted by any of the Prophetic Book Future of Hinduism, called Bhavisya Puran. How is it possible there is a book that can predict the future?. As we know it is possible for humans receiving the signals from the future. People who have the ability De Javu is always there in every era, we have to admit it.Bhavisya Puran is forecast sansakerta language. Meaning in short is the "Book of Divination of the Future." Since Hinduism has a base in India, even today, has been passed from generation to generation that prophetic or messenger will be born in the country of India itself. This belief is contrary to the Book itself Bhavisya Puran said that Professor (Great Master) will appear outside the country of India (mlechcha acharya) and live in sandy areas (marusthal). He will be named Mahaaamad. In a short paragraph consisting of 18 lines of verse, said Mahaamad mentioned five times. There is interesting information in Bhavishya Purana, that will reveal Mahaamad mark on Bhoj, ruler of Dhar, and he will build a religion that allows his people to eat meat, with the command of Ishwar or God.If well studied, it is known that there is a Bhoj, ruler of Dhar with the King of Malabar. That's right Bhoj, ruler of Dhar was named the King of Malabar Chakrawati Farmas.King of Malabar knows exactly prophecies in their religion, so he knows exactly what to do. Prediction of the existence of messenger capable of splitting the moon, written in Kalki Puran, a book that contains the event marks the coming of Kalki Avatar Recently named.Kalki will appear at the end of Kali Yug and will be a guide for the whole worldHe will be born in a day 12. (Prophet Muhammad was born on 12 Rabiual Awwal)His parents named: Vishnu bhagat and Soomati meaning Servant of God and Salvation. (Prophet Muhammad had a father named Abdullah / man of God / man of God and a mother who named Aminah / safety).He will have his valor and fragrant
He will get wisdom on a mountain. (Prophet Muhammad's first revelation in the Cave of Hira get)He will earn a horse from God, which has a speed in excess of light. He will drive it through the earth and seven skies. (Genesis Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad)Kalki will split the moon.Until now, only the holy book of the Koran which says that the Prophet Muhammad who has split the moon, yet there are other books that explicitly name the person or a natural occurrence that is responsible for the parting of the month in the past. If so the situation is, we deserve to be given the title of the Prophet Muhammad, as the strongest man in the history of the world.Why should the Prophet Muhammad that have the greatest power in the history of the World?The power or miracle is directly prophetic stamp of the Creator, so if anyone claiming to be a prophet or apostle, we reserve the right to charge a miracle as a sign of true prophetic. Many of today's false prophets and messengers, such people are always evasive when billed miracle, because it is actually a false prophet or apostle is indeed weak articulate man."Powerful God has Powerful Messenger"The strongest substance in the universe, let him choose his messenger the most powerful to spread his teachings. The logic is sufficient for the seeker of truth, if they believe that the submission should be given to the strongest substance, and follow the teachings of the messenger must follow the strongest in the world. (SANGKAKALA)

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